Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Final Preperations

Life is funny.  Life is beautiful.

The hardest decision people have to make in life is to decide what they want.  The majority of us, myself included, spend the greatest amount of our concentration on the things we don't like, the things that irritate, annoy and frustrate us.  It's a hypnotic dance that takes place in front of our eyes, as we are mesmerized by "what is". When however our thinking cycles are shifted into positive ones amazing things can and do happen. 

I spent almost half a decade in this cycle, putting my attention on what I did not like in my life, complaining about it, trying to escape it through various means.  I made myself miserable and those around me equally so at times.  In my heart I knew there was something else in store for me, but it was shrouded from my imagination, buried somewhere between complacency, boredom and anger.   I felt like I was worthless and had nothing left to offer this world except my contribution to the consumptive cycle that passes for normalcy in this world.  I started to pray for help and slowly answers came my way, I saw the path before me.  I had to make some very hard decisions, tie off loose ends and start over.  And, now here I am.  Two days away from stepping into truly unknown territory.

There is a sense of aliveness, and of wonder permeating my personal zone right now.  I am anxious, but in a good way, like I have been selected as contestant on the Price is Right.  This is my showcase showdown.

Now people I am telling about this adventure of mine keep asking me where I am going, and the answer I keep giving is; "everywhere".  I am just letting things unfold organically, and so far my first two points of interest are locked in, thanks to some amazing people I have met only via email on couchsurfing.org.  Thank you MC in Quebec City and AAC in Gaspe.  I look forward to making these new acquaintances.

I have also discovered that I may be able to afford gas by giving people lifts between cities.  I was on kijiji and there is a ride share category I never even knew about.  So, let's see who I can taxi along with myself as I hopscotch my ass around this great nation of ours!

In terms of gear, I am almost done picking up the majority of what I think I will need.  I got a pair of Timberland hiking boots from Value Village for 20 bucks!  I also acquired a used GPS for $30 and splurged on a $100 Marmot waterproof jacket.  All in all not bad.

So in a couple more days my adventure begins.  Thanks for being part of my experience, if there is anything you the reader would like from me, please let me know.  I am willing to take pictures besides various roadside attractions, pick up/drop off people or things, or just go somewhere you have never been on your behalf.  Let me know, I will do my best to be as interactive as possible.

Friday is fast approaching and I am baffled by the speed of time.  Until next time....

Friday, 24 June 2011

T minus seven days and counting. The adventure begins...

Friends I welcome you.

Thanks for checking in, I will do my best to keep you captivated and curious.

So what is "The One Grand Adventure" exactly?  Honestly, it's only an idea, a whisper of something that could be, and that I am hoping can materialize in reality.  It's an idea downloaded from somewhere beyond my own brain, from something, some power I have been trying to understand my whole life.  That being said, here is the deal.  I am attempting to travel Canada from East to West, and South to North.  Along the way I will stop in every provincial capital as well as numerous smaller towns and villages off the beaten path as much as possible.

Now here is the catch, and the reason this adventure is "the One Grand One".  My budget to traverse the second largest country by land area in the world?  Yup, you guessed it.  One thousand dollars.  Yes I know impossible right!?

I have already been told it can't be done.  I am interested in what can be done.  Now there are some rules to the game that make this more plausible.  However, I stand firm on bringing only one thousand dollars of my own money.  Money and or/goods/services acquired on the way are all fair game.  The only stipulation to this rule is the rule of "fair exchange of energy".  This rule basically states that for anything received so shall some thing be given.  That "thing" can be services rendered (please minds out of the gutter) goods given, or a simple hug with a heartfelt "thank you".

Ultimately I will be writing about this experience as often as possible with the ultimate dream being a published book based on these experiences.  I have always had three dream jobs.  One: Film Director, Two: Cameraman in a foreign war zone, Three: Professional Author/Writer.  I am striving for number three here, so please keep reading!

Right now I am making and delivering pizza, not exactly my idea of spiritual fulfillment, but it does pay the bills and has allowed me to save one thousand bucks to embark on a life changing adventure through my homeland.  And for that, I am eternally grateful.

So this is t-minus seven days and counting.  My first stop is Quebec City, Quebec, it is Canada's oldest city and one of the oldest in North America.  I have traveled far in wide in this country, but I have never seen Quebec City, and it is only 5 hours away from where I live here in Ottawa.  As of yet I have no accommodations other then the back of my green machine, my 1998 Honda civic, but I am using a web site called "http://www.couchsurfing.org" to find cheap (free) places to stay across Canada.

I have been talking about this idea for years now.  The One Grand Adventure, I can't even begin to tell you how excited, amazed and in awe I am, that in seven days I will be living a dream that has been inside my mind, and my heart for the last three years.  My state is one of anxious, positive trepidation, coupled with a state of inner peace and knowing.  It's a knowing that this is part of my path, that I am waking up to something that is bigger then who I think I am. 

I want to thank you for reading this, may my journey be a journey for you, stuck in some cubicle wishing you were me right now!!  But, seriously, thanks.  I hope I can bring some joy and insight into your world as much as I can.  My goal of expanding the awareness of others, is as important to me as expanding my own.  I have lived selfishly and am hoping I can help others as much as possible on this, "The One Grand Adventure".

Now the preparations begin.  I am shitting in my pants, just a little.